Explore the Ecological Education Centre

The task of the Ecological Education Centre is to increase the environmental knowledge of the inhabitants and visitors, build awareness of human impact on the environment, and shape a sustainable way of using natural resources.

The Centre offers a wide range of activities for schools and organised groups, such as: workshops, training sessions, meetings, special events and environmental events.


The area of the Wisła commune and the Silesian Beskids is unique in terms of biodiversity. The areas around the Vistula River are home to unique species of animals and plants. Established in 1998, the Landscape Park of the Silesian Beskids allows us to get to know these extraordinary landscapes and natural attractions that are made available to tourists with great attention to rational management of the area in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. However, the economic development of the region exerts a strong pressure on the natural environment, for example in the form of air pollution or uncontrolled waste disposal.

Satisfaction of the needs of people and the environment is essential for the area to remain an attractive destination for both residents and tourists.For educational purposes as well as for the preservation of the biodiversity of the area, it is important to establish an Ecological Use Centre in designated parts of the garden – a flower meadow with protected plants, such as: crepis, viola tricolour and alchemilla. The species of german tamarisk or gladiolus were also reintroduced here. Nesting boxes for swifts and bats, species strictly protected in Poland, were hung on the facade of the building.


The Ecological Education Centre is a place with enormous potential. The location of the centre, communication with other Wisła valleys, and above all the vast open area and a spacious exhibition hall make it possible to organise many events. Both of an educational, cultural and recreational nature.

The Ecological Education Centre is an integral part of the Jonidło Sports Centre. The Jonidło Sports Centre with a football pitch, courts and recreational areas has always been a meeting place for residents. However, a lot has changed in recent years. A wooden pier was built on the water reservoir. A ski-roller route has been created, the walking route along the Vistula River has also been modernised. The largest investments include a playground and the building of the Ecological Education Centre with gardens. The Ecological Education Centre is also the seat of the Wisła Sports Association.


The building of the Ecological Education Centre is surrounded by educational gardens. In order to be able to show examples of biodiversity of Wisła and the Silesian Beskids, the gardens have been divided into sectors.
The garden of flowering plants is the most colourful. The garden was designed in such a way that the individual species of flowers bloom throughout the growing season and that the garden is always full of colour. We can find here perennial plants that are popular in our area – bugleweeds, tulips, speedwells, bellflowers and deadnettles, as well as less known plants, such as European bistort, glandular globe-thistle, and columbine. In the fall, colourful balls form asters, rudbeckia and chrysanthemums. The multitude of species, varieties and colours attract pollinators – honey bees, bumblebees and red mason bees.
There is a place for shrubs in the central part of the garden. Shrubs whose crowns can be freely trimmed and shaped into specific shapes have been selected. In spring, the shrubs bloom intensively and in autumn their leaves change to beautiful colours. Many of them, such as guelder rose, chaenomeles or hawthorn, bear fruit intensively, making them an excellent feeding base for birds. Birds eagerly build their nests in dense crowns.

Under the crowns of young trees, a number of deckchairs and benches have been placed to create the Relaxation Zone. In the alley, varieties of cherry plum with claret leaves as well as conifers such as Scots pine, larch and balsam fir were planted.
Along the grassy corridor, we will learn about the varieties of commonly grown grains: millet, rye, oats, wheat, barley and triticale.
The labyrinth of vines raises great emotions. Walls overgrown with clematis, honeysuckle, ivy or climbing rose are the source of green colour.
Children’s activity and great fun will be ensured by a number of colourful trampolines.
The garden of the senses will stimulate our smell, hearing, sight and touch. The garden of senses is adjacent to a flower bed of fragrant herbs, where we can find oregano, catnip, thyme, lavender and many other herbs. A bit further you will find a geological garden with an exhibition of rocks characteristic of the region.
Information and descriptions of species as well as interesting facts about the flora and fauna of the Silesian Beskids, which can be observed in the gardens of the Ecological Education Centre, can be found on illuminated totems and information panels. All information is also written in Braille.


The natural wealth of the Silesian Beskids allows you to conduct your own nature observations on a daily basis. In the Education Centre, we will supplement your knowledge of nature! The offer of walks along the nearby paths and trails is not only a hike, it is also fun in the open air. We will teach you how to search for traces of animals in the field, how to distinguish species of trees – not only by knowing the shape of their leaves, but we will also teach you how to recognize that a tree is sick, what to do if you get lost in the forest … And you will gain many, many other skills too! And all this thanks to the fun in the open air, surrounded by the wonderful nature of the Silesian Beskids! Trips always start at the headquarters of the Ecological Education Centre. We provide access to the place from which we will start the trip. The routes and places will vary depending on the topic of the classes. We encourage you to follow our website, where information about organised field activities will be published at least two weeks in advance. The number of participants in the tours will be limited for the safety of participants and the quality of the activities.

Field activities are free of charge.


The exhibition room was divided into zones corresponding to the four seasons of the year. In showcases, you can see animal preparations and models of plants found on hiking trails in the Beskids and at local households. Animal preparations and plant models, often shown enlarged, make a great impression. The interior design of the newly constructed building of the Ecological Education Centre is a river with an urban landscape, regular, the elements of which illustrate the landscape ordered by man. The other part of the building with a mountain landscape is an irregular river showing a wild landscape without human intervention. The whole is completed by screens with displayed animations that represent these two opposing worlds. For educational purposes, 6 magic books with applications were made to enable the youngest to learn about meanders, river plants and animals or types of river banks. These applications contain quizzes, thanks to which visitors can test and consolidate their knowledge.

In the exhibition hall there is also a space with a „small apiary”, which defines the cooperation of people and bees by placing an over a hundred-year-old skep, beehive, honeycombs and basic beekeeping tools. Live moss, ferns and bark elements cover one of the walls of the room. You will also find herbal compositions from which visitors can create their own tea while learning about the taste, smell, structure and application of these often underestimated plants.


Educational activities are aimed at children, adolescents, adults, including people with disabilities. All this to supplement knowledge about the environment and sustainable economy.

The Centre offers a wide range of activities for schools and organised groups, such as: workshops, training sessions, meetings, special events and environmental event.

Opening hours

Ecological Education Centre
Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. (last entry at 3:00 p.m.).
Weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Presentation of the exhibition hall with an employee at full hours.
Organised groups are asked to book in advance by calling +48 531 485 775 .
The exhibition room may not be available during the workshops or other scheduled events!
Office of the Ecological Education Centre Tuesday – Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. Closed on Mondays

Ecological Education Centre ul. Wyzwolenia 67, 43-460 Wisła

Kampania CEE

Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej
Wyzwolenia 67
43-460 Wisła

2020 © cee.wisla.pl


  • wtorek-piątek od 10:00 do 16:00 (ostatnie wejście na salę o 15:00)

    sobota-niedziela od 10:00 do 14:00

  • +48 531 485 775

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